Five Months.

You know what I'm going to say here... so I'll just summarize it, Wa wa wa... my baby is getting so old.  5 months is OLD, people.

Month 5:


Sleep?  It's hit or miss - but better than last month.  You're getting better at going back to sleep on your own (not just nursing every time you wake up).  We are still failing at getting you to sleep in her own bed but we are trying.  We had ONE good night last week (5 hours then 4 more hours) and I felt like a real person and it was AMAZING.   I've been reading a book "The No Cry Sleep Solution" and I really enjoy it. It's VERY anti-CIO method - more so than I am - but I enjoy the author's tips and I think if the cry it out method isn't for you - it's a very good book to read.  It's a much gentler to read - some baby sleep books I've read basically tell you your child is going to be a crazy murderer person because they're not sleeping and you're failing as a parent.  For some reason, I haven't enjoyed them.   "The No Cry Sleep Solution" offers really good insights on baby sleep patterns and suggested a lot of the same things that other books suggest but the author has nicer methods  (nicer methods that might take longer).    

Weight?  15 lbs (weighed at home - very scientifically)  Height? Maybe 24 inches.  Maybe. (measured at home - very scientifically)

Milestones?  You eat big people food!  You love your cereal and so far, mangos!  You are so good at picking up and grabbing things and they find their way straight to your mouth.  You screech all.the.time - there are no baby goos and gaas for you - just raptor noises.  You can sit yourself up for a little bit then you get distracted and tip over.   You are SO WIGGLY - looking through the pictures we took at 5 months I realize how much you've changed from 4 months.   I think these month pictures will get a little difficult in the coming months :)  gone is my sweet immobile baby.

Likes? You still love your exercauser - you're a maniac in that thing.  You love people and very much enjoy when you're the center of attention.  You love to eat.  You love to sleep (still as long as someone is snuggling with you but you're getting better).  You like anything you can put in your mouth.   You like your mama and your daddy.

Dislikes?  I am still not sure you're sold on baths.  Most of the time you just sit there and stare at us (almost as if you're saying "This again, guys?").  Still not a fan of car seats.  You HATE your crib and basically any other sleep place that's not right next to mama but we're working on it.

Anything else?  You're just big now.  You are so wiggly and so happy - you're our very favorite person.   You laugh and play like a little person.  We lovingly think you're a little nut, you are so funny sometimes.  We are so lucky that you are ours.  Ohhh you're hair - it is as out of control as ever.  The bald spot in the back is wrapping around to the front and the wisps on the sides still stand straight up.   We have a few nicknames for your hair (Kramer hair/George hair/wambat ears/mad scientist hair )    We think it's adorable.  It'll be interesting to see what happens when you're sitting up more and the hair starts to grow back in.  We're still not sure what color it is.  It's auburn-blonde-brown right now(that's a thing right?).

And the parent's...

Mama?  I'm doing good.  She has ACTUALLY slept some of the nights the past little while and I feel brand new.  Who knew that 5 hours of sleep was life changing?  Now I'm just looking forward to 6 (wishful thinking)  I'm busy busy at work and with my little sisters wedding and my older sisters baby (girl - due August, I might steal her if Piper continues this growing up thing) and all things summertime.  I am looking forward to another break - I just need to schedule it. 

Daddy?  Colton is good as well.  He finished one of his summer classes (got an A, that bum) and is busy roofing his life away.  When he's not working or doing school, he's fishing or running around with us.  He tells me every day that "she's so big" whenever she does something new.  -Guys, she's so big-


Wiggling. Eating the blanket.  The usual.

Pretty eyes - pretty face.

Ooo a sticker thing AND a little tiny smile.
