9 Months

Sleep?  Sleep J.  You’re great!  So so great!  It was a rough little bit but the last two weeks or so have been great.  You started to sleep from 7-4ish and the last 3 nights you’ve slept 7-6.  What!  It’s wonderful.   You’ve also been back to better naps when you’re at home (not sure about Grandma’s house yet).  It’s great.  You’re great. 

Stats?  I'm not sure!  Your appointment is on Tuesday and I’ll update it then.  I think 20 ish pounds.

Milestones?   Your top two teeth popped through!  They made you a little grumpy but nothing too crazy.  Annnnnd – you’re crawling! (See little video below)  You started to wiggle and roll to places and then about a week later you were crawling.  I’m surprised!  It was a fast change!   You try to pull up to things but mostly just bonk yourself.  You can go from your tummy to sitting and that is the best!  It would make you grumpy when you were stuck on your back/belly.  I come in from naps and you’re just sitting up waiting for me, you’re cute.    You say “mama” sometimes but not really on command.  I’m not sure it counts.

Likes? You like food – especially food you can feed yourself.  You like your family.   You love baths.  You like your toys and anything you can put in your mouth.  You love your swaddle blankets and chewing on them while you sleep

Dislikes? You don’t like watermelon or bananas – weirdo.  You don’t like getting in your car seat.   You don’t like waiting to go to sleep.  You don’t like getting your clothes changed.
And the family...

Piper? Oh sis is sis.  This three thing is a wild ride.  I’m not sure about it yet.  Haha.  She’s sick right now and it’s sad.  I’m hoping Ez doesn’t get sick but he probably will.   Besides being sick, she’s good.  We’ve been starting to adventure out because it’s warmish and it’s wonderful! 

Mama?  Mom is good.  I love this little Ezra guy.  He changed so much this past month and it makes me happy and sad.  J   He’s pretty mellow and easy-going, it’s crazy to remember how he used to be.   Work is busy and good.  Home is busy and good.  I can’t complain. J  I am sooo ready for summer and being able to play outside. 
Daddy?  Daddy is good.  He started a new job this month!  He is the outside sales rep for a roofing supply company.  It fits him perfectly.  He’s loving it so far.  We’re happy for him.  No new projects around the house but summer is coming and we’re making a list of outside stuff.  Wahoo?
