16 Months

This month our punky brewster become much more opinionated - the toddler must approve all activities or no one will enjoy them.  Shopping?  Shopping means hide and seek.  Resting?  Hahaha.  Playing inside?  You mean crying until someone goes outside.  Oh, this a year and a third thing is no joke and we love it. 

Piper -

You are starting to communicate more and more - you seem to understand what we're saying most of the time. Yesterday you were tired of being inside and I asked if you wanted to go outside and through crying you said "yeeeah" and headed to the door.  We've talked to you like you understood us for so long, it's weird now that you do.

You can point out a lot of body parts and you're starting to say what they are as well as point.  "Eyes, ears, mouth, nose, fingers, toes, belly button."

You say "no" in a way where you're almost saying "you're kidding me? Of course I don't want that"  I still need to get a good video of it.

You're an expert at animal noises.  I think the elephant is my favorite.  Grandma Nette taught her that one.

Mom's favorite pastime of shopping is slowly becoming impossible.  You continue to hate strollers, you'll climb out of shopping carts, and you won't follow us if we put you down to walk.  It's an adventure.

Summer is here and you lovve it ( you get that from your papa).  Your skin is already getting tan (again, thank your papa) and you love anything to do with being outside.

You've finally figured out the toy slide in the backyard and will go up and down it approximately 1000 times a day.

You are down to one nap a day usually from 12-1,2,3 but sometimes on the delightful days you're up at 6, you'll take an earlier nap.

Now that your cousin Lily is mobile, you aren't too fond of her.  We have to remind you "We love Lily" often.  I think you're letting us know how great you'd be at being an only child.

You are  busy bee, you babble and run around all day long.  You like to color, read stories, play with the choo choo's, pull the kitty's tail, play with the cat food, run around outside, take baths - all in 1 hour.

You still love Mickey Mouse and your hot dog dance and song is pretty great.

We love you to the moon and back and to the moon and back again.  :)

And pictures:

Oh swings.

She looks little here and I love it.

Rue is the most patient kitty.

She prefers Piper when she's sleeping though :)

Love our little family.

We love outside.

Relief Society.

Church and 16 month old's don't mix.


"You will never enjoy shopping again"

So helpful.

Splash park!
