6 Months

Month 6:

6 months is big.  I mean, half-birthdays practically mean college is right around the corner.  We love that she's growing and that she's healthy, we just need more time.  I'll take 3 months of having a six month old, please and thank you.


Sleep?  Well my sweetie, sleep is still the same.  The most common schedule is up every 2-3 hours.  You are better at naps - so we'll take that.  You're still sleeping in our bed which makes the night times easier but we want to transition you into your crib.  We are reading Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child - wish us luck.

Weight?  15 lbs 6 ounces - 38 percentile Height? 25 3/4 inches - 52 percentile Head? 43 cm - 65 percentile
You read that right, little shorty, you're not our little shorty anymore and your chunkiness couldn't keep up!

Milestones?  You are one big eater.  You LOVE solid foods.   You really mastered rolling over this month - you've been doing it for awhile but now basically every time we set you down, you've rolled over.   You grew out of a few toys (don't talk to me about switching clothes yet, I might cry) because you've figured out how to wiggle out of them.  You had your first real time being sick and it was SAD - both times were quite short with stuffy noses and a fever - we thought it was teething but no teeths yet!   You are starting to have a little stranger danger and it's still cute for us, we like that you like us.  

Likes? You like us and we love that!  You like your toys - exercauser, monkeys, giraffes, anything that you can chew on (including your fingers, toys, and our fingers).  You like to be tickled and when daddy throws you in the air.  You like your food and make cute mmmm noises when you eat.  You LOVE to pull hair.  

Dislikes?  You don't like carseats.  Still don't like baths.  Bedtime isn't either of our favorite time of day.  

Anything else?  You had your BIGGEST blowout ever this month and only a mom would understand how funny it was.   You've had lots of blowouts but this one was EPIC.  I'm talking poop in your toes.  Thank you to your aunts for helping mama clean you up!  You were a trooper being sick and putting up with our crazy schedules as we helped get ready for Aunt Lisa's wedding.. we say it all the time but you are such a sweet baby.  You loved Lisa's wedding because you got to play with your (second) cousins who ADORE you.

And the parent's...

Mama?  Oh I am good.  To be honest, I've been struggling with work lately.  I don't know how to enjoy it like I used to.   I've had a few days off (for Escalante and my sister's wedding) and they were amazing but they also make it hard to go back.  I'm surprised that it's actually getting harder not easier the older she gets.  We're working on it.   I've had the best 6 months of my life.  I'm so happy that my little family is my little family.

Daddy?  Papa is good too.  He adores his little girl.  We both constantly say "She's just too cute."  Every day we both can't wait until it's time to see her.  He's finished with school until Fall semester starts and  we are so proud of him.  We love our daddy around here.

Left: This little smirk is my FAVORITE Top right: Eating feet is always funny Bottom right: happy babes
