31 Weeks

How far along?  31 weeks and 2 days.  (the picture is 31 weeks)
How big is baby? Four oranges.  (18 inches and 3.5 pounds). 
Names?  No update.  We are sorry. 
Maternity clothes?  Nothing new.  I am buying some cute things on the holiday clearance for after baby.  Maybe a bad idea, maybe not. 
Weights gain?  25 lbs probably.  We’ll confirm next week at my appointment. 
Sleeping?  I’m sleeping okay.  I wake up because I’m uncomfortable then I stay awake because I’m thinking about all the baby things.  
Best moment of the week?   It was a happy week.  Spending time with Colton is always my favorite.  I can’t think of anything specific. 
Missing anything?  Comfort.  This will probably be answer every.single.week.   Who knew your ribs could hurt so badly?
Feeling the baby move? She has been very wiggly.  When we’re going to sleep at night, Colton can feel her kicking him just when I'm laying next to him.  I think I’ll miss that.  (WHAT!  Miss something about being pregnant.. who would've thought)
Food cravings:  Hmm.  Nothing new.  I like eggs again?  Colton used to describe me using the adjective “eggy” but that went away during the first and second trimester.  Lately I’ve been eggy again.
Anything making you queasy?  Happily, no.
How is the bump?  It’s pretty big.  A few of my favorite comments recently, “That baby is bigger than you are!” “You’re about done aren't you?”  “Can you get any bigger?”  J  I have a pretty good sense of humor about the things people say without meaning to.  Yes, my belly pokes out quite far.   Thank you. 
Belly button?  Staying the same.  Thank heavens. 
Happy or moody?   I’m really really happy.  I cry too easily though.  My new emotion that I can’t handle is being embarrassed.  I’m instantly in tears at any little bit of embarrassment and that only causes a lot more.  It’s great.  Really.
Looking forward to?  Baby showers!  Christmas parties!  Christmas!  Being pregnant during Christmas is kinda wonderful.
 Dad?  He’s great.  He is however impossible to buy Christmas presents for.  He’s very sweet about the presents for baby that I plan to wrap and put under the tree J
