29 Weeks

How far along?  29 Weeks.  
How big is baby? She’s a small cabbage (17 inches and 2.9 pounds!)  oo-da-lollie.
Names?  still not sure.  still sorry about it. 
Maternity clothes? Bought some new Gap things on sale... now just waiting for them to arrive.  :)  Right now I'm basically buying things that I can wear for special occasions and accepting not looking so cute at all other times.  Sorry, people I work with and husband.  The picture above is a maternity Target v-neck and sweats.  I'm adorable.
Weights gain?  I weighed myself on my mom's scale and I weigh the same.  Bring it on, Thanksgiving.
Sleeping?  Not so great.  I am starting to feel more aches and pains that keep me up at night.  And when I'm awake, my anxious thoughts keeps me up longer.  I'm sleepy.
Best moment of the week?   Hmmm. The weekend was lovely.  We saw Breaking Dawn (loved it, of course), spent time with our families, ate Indian food (your welcome baby), and relaxed.  
Missing anything?  Being comfy.  Rolling over in the middle of the night.  Normal clothes/clothes shopping.  
Feeling the baby move? It's my favorite thing.  I already know I will miss not having her be a part of me.  I pretend (like a crazy person) that she's communicating with me by rolling around.  New this week: she moves and then stays poked out.  It's so fun to see my belly be misshapen and know that is a little baby doing that.  I also love when Colton touches my belly without being prompted and he can tell exactly where she is.  I love him and her and us.    
Food cravings:  Hmm.  nothing really this week.  
Anything making you queasy?  Feel pretty good in the non-queasy department.
How is the bump?  The bump is growing right along schedule.  I feel huge some days and feel regular sized some days.  I am hopefully over exaggerating how big the bump will get.  
Belly button?  Thankfully it's still staying the same.  If it would've kept up with how much it was changing during those middle weeks, I don't even want to know what the button would look like now. You can sort of see it through my shirts.  Lucky you.
Happy or moody?   Happy.  Anxious.  Stressed.  Excited.  Scared.  Emotional.  All at the same time.  All the time.  
Looking forward to? Still looking forward to Thanksgiving and then Yost (cabin) afterwards.  looking forward to more nesting and more shopping.  I got my first invite to my first baby shower and that made me so excited.  Baby showers mean you're getting pretttty close.  
Dad?  He's the best.  I am so glad he's mine.  
