6 Months

Sleep? Welllllll.  You have slept better the past week or so.  You were REALLY great (like 7-5 GREAT) for 4 nights in a row but then you went back to 7-2 the last couple.  But we will take it!!  We didn't make any big changes - you are still in the rock-n-play and I know we need to make that transition soon - we did give you a swaddle blanket and you like to chew on it at night.  We also have kept you in your room all night - no going to mama's bed when she's too tired to keep going back and forth.  Instead... we have an air mattress in your room :)  haha.  It's working so far.  Wish us luck in the crib transition.

Stats?  18lbs 4oz (63%), 26 3/4 inches (52%), and 98% head.   I'm surprised by your weight percentile!  I thought you were lots chunkier.  

Milestones?  OH Ezzy Bear, we love you.  You are happy most of the time.  You can sit up with a little help and love to play with your toys.  You still don't roll but we are okay with it.  I don't know what to do with a moving baby.  I'll have to vacuum more :)  

Likes? You LOVE to eat real food and still love nursing.  You really like to drink from a cup - so funny.  You like your sister and really wish she'd paid more attention to you.  You love your mama. :)  And your daddy makes you laugh the hardest.  

Dislikes? You're starting to have a little bit of stranger-danger.  You don't like waiting for sleep when you're ready.  You still don't like to snuggle.  

And the family...

Piper? We love Piper the Princess (as she calls herself).  She is a lot of fun.  I love this almost-3 age.  She has made some strides on going to sleep by herself!  Say whaat!  It only took us 3 years.  :)  She doesn't really care for her brother.  She still doesn't dislike him but doesn't pay him much attention.  As he gets older and mobile and harder to ignore, I think she will like him.  I am loving the holidays with her.  I love that little girl even though she drives me completely nuts sometimes.

Mama?  I'm good.  I'm love this holiday season.  I love December.  I don't think I have anything too exciting to report.  :)

Daddy?   Daddy is good.  He started a new job and so far,so good.  It's a big change for our family but we're excited.  We love our daddy.
