5 Months

Sleep? Oh sleep.  We haven't gotten over the not-sleeping-great thing.  We gave up on the crib and you're back to your rock-n-play and that's helped a little.  Some nights you'll sleep from 7-12 (waking up once or twice for a little consoling) and then you're up every 2 hours after that.  Some nights you are up every hour.  We are working on it. 

Stats?  I don't know!  You seem skinnier but I think it's because we can really see your neck now :)  I'd guess 18 pounds?

Milestones?  You are most often happy!  Say what!  We haven't had an Ezra freak out in weeks!  It's so so wonderful.  I can't correlate it to a specific thing happening, you just grew out of it?  You roll from your belly to your back but still make no real attempt at back to belly, my little bump-on-a-log.  You are very squeaky and chatty and we love it.  

Likes? Mama, eating, and sleeping.  Toys.  You currently like your sophie, your exercauser, your jungle gym mat, and the foam bath toys? 

Dislikes? Hmm.  You don't like sleeping?  You don't like being away from your mama.  You and your sister got the stomach bug and you were a SAD baby for a few days.  You were snuggly and you're never snuggly.
And the family...

Piper?  Piper is so fun.  She learns new things and says new things every day.  She loves to color and paint and is starting to draw real things (pumpkins that look like pumpkins mostly).  She loved Halloween and I can't wait for the Holidays.  She was sick this month and it was sad. :( Kids shouldn't get sick.  
Mama?  Mama is good.  Still figuring out the kids/work/life balance.  Sometimes I think I'm failing and sometimes I think we're figuring it out.  I love these babies of ours and that husband of mine.  Ezra has made our family so happy.  

Daddy?   Colton is good.  He was gone for the hunt (what seemed like a lot but it wasn't really) and we missed him.  Things are much easier when he's around.  He's a good papa.
