2 Months

Month 2:

Sleep? Well, you're amazing.  You've had like 10  x 8 hour stretches.  Piper, honestly, had 1 x 8 hour stretch before she turned one (and probably 10 in her whole life since).  <<< Guys, I thought I was a bad mom because my first child didn't sleep.  I read A LOT of books and even more online articles and nothing worked for Piper.  She wanted to snuggle and she wanted to be awake throughout the night to check if I was still there and it's so nice to see that some babies sleep and some babies don't>>>>  It's prettttty wonderful to lay you down sleepy and know you will go to sleep.  <<<< I followed the small little rules like keeping daytime bright and fun and nighttime dark and quiet but he's honestly just a good sleeper and there wasn't a book that told me that!>>>>>   You do still have bad nights (up every 2 hours) and I can't seem to correlate them to anything.  We are figuring it out!

Stats? You're a big little boy!  13lbs 12 oz (82%), 23 1/4 inches (61%), and a 98% head.   Oo-da-lollie.  (Sister was 11 lbs at her 2 month appointment - crazy).

Milestones? You started to social smile around 7 weeks old - and grandma was the first one you smiled at!  (you were in TROUBLE with your mother).    You now try and "talk" and smile often.  You were VERY fussy for a few weeks and that has gotten lots better starting around 7 weeks.   You are now pretty content most of the time unless you are ready to go to sleep or ready to eat.

Likes? Eating, sleeping, and mama.  You also like baths and walking around.

Dislikes? Waiting to eat, sleep, or be with mama.   Oh and shots.  Holy moly - we all hate shots.  And you hate whatever makes you scream for hours a day but we don't know what that is.

And the family...

Piper?  Piper is doing great.  She still likes Ezra but doesn't spend much time paying attention to him.  She's at such a fun age and I enjoy Ezra's naptime and our one-on-one time.  She makes me happy.  She currently "reads" books to us (recites them from memory), tells us things are "kind of yucky", wants to wear pink or princess dresses and calls herself Princess Pete or Princess Clarabelle, loves to paint and sings LOUD, loves Dora again and now randomly speaks spanish to me... and so much more.  She is wonderful. She is still doing alright at nighttime (and daddy is still on Piper night duty) and still wakes up TOOO early most days but I love her anyway.

Mama?   I'm doing good.  I am happier now that Ezra is happier.  I didn't realize how hard those weeks were until I look back on them now.  I am so glad my maternity leave was 12 weeks this time, I think that's helped a lot with me being all-around happier this time.   I go back this month (tears) and i'm trying to prepare for it.  I really love our little life.  I love Colton, I love Piper, and I love Ezra.  I feel very blessed to be theirs.  

Daddy?  He's doing good too.  He is so helpful and I couldn't do it without him.  He still mainly takes care of Piper when he gets home from work and still manages to find time to build furniture and mow the lawn 100 times a week.  ;)

We love you Ezra Bear!
