January: Little Miss Piper turned One.  Colton turned 29!  We listed our house! We went on a cruise to Mexico.

February: We had Piper's birthday party. We sold our house and moved to my parents'!  We celebrated Valentine's Day at a fancy smancy restaurant.

March: We signed with flagship - we picked our lot and our plan.  And thought we'd move in by August :) .

April: We celebrated our second anniversary.  I turned 26.  We went to Everett for a work trip for me and a fun trip for Piper and Daddy.

May: We loved the warm weather!  Everything is better with babies.

June: Summer continued to be great.  We went on a camping trip (and Piper lost her mind one night).  

July: We celebrated July 4th and Piper loved it and hated it.  We played outside a lot.  We went to Escalante and had such a great time.   They dug our hole!

August: Piper turned 18 months.  Our house continued to progress - it was almost all done with framing by the end.  We went to Lagoon and on our one and only boating trip.

September: Piper, Grandma, and I went to Washington again for work.   The house was almost all finished - just some exterior and touch-up work.

October: Oh October.  We found out we were pregnant (and that Julie was too)!  We went to Disneyworld. We moved in to our house.  We went to our first doctor's appointment where they moved my date back two weeks (boo).  I was siiiiick.

November: We settled in (sort of) to our house.  I continued to be sicky.  We tried to get out and about.  We took our family pictures. We loved Thanksgiving.

December: And that brings us to December.  I started to feel a little better and started to have more of a bump than a lump.  We found out we're having a BOY (!!!) and surprised our family with the news at Christmas.  We loved our time off and the holidays.  It was a beautiful month.  Piper fell in love with the snow.  She is so fun these days.  Almost-two is a great age.

We can't wait for 2015!
