18 Months. A year and a half.

Guys.  She's a year and a half.  I think this will be my last "months" post.  I'll probably just switch over to events/time-frames/not blogging at all.  (JK on the last one)   I love this age.  I really have loved every stage and I look forward to continuing watching her (and her sass) grow and grow.

This month...

Your 18 month stats were: 21lbs 4oz (30%) , 32 1/2 inches (73%), and 47 cm (70%) head.

You open up the hymn book at church and "sing" ... loudly.

Oh and you’ve been going to nursery!  And you love it!  Mom failed nursery (and all things after that) but you don’t seem to care at all.  You go in and go straight for the dolls and strollers.  

You have this new habit of pointing to yourself and saying "mine" whenever you have something or want something.

You put your finger to your mouth and say hmmmmm.  When you’re thinking about things.

I keep forgetting to write about this one:  we taught you a few signs when you were little and you really started to use them without us asking you  around 13-14months.  You say more, all done, drink, and please.  We kind of quit teaching you new signs because you're good at vocalizing what you want.  This month you started using please without being asked.  It's pretty cute.

We found an abandoned baby quail that couldn’t walk and we loved it until it died.  You spent so much time sitting on the counter watching the cute little thing.  “Hi Tweet-Tweet”.  

I think you say around 100 words/names.  It's hard to count.  And some words we know what they mean but others might not.    You are pretty good at repeating whatever we ask.  Like, "Say Hi Lisa" and you'll say "Hi Isa".  Or say "Brody" and you say "BoBo" (what we call Brody).

You are still an expert animal noise maker.  I still need to do another video.  Rooster is my favorite new addition.

You hated fireworks the first time, tolerated them to the second time, and love them the third time.

You have started real pouting when you don't get what you want or you get scared/sad/kinda-hurt.  Like frowny face.  Teary eyes.  Lay down on the floor.  Where do kids learn these things?

Sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night and say "No" in a very serious voice.  It's funny to us.

You've started saying "Uh Uh" instead of no.

You take most of your naps on the floor in the office - you little crib-hating nut bag.

We went to our first carnival and you LOVED the carousel and would sign "please" "more" before the ride even ended.  We rode it 6 times and it was not enough.

You gives "bear hugs".  You'll walk up to you and hug you and growl.  You also do this to an unsuspecting Lily and it's cute.

After Mommy and Daddy kiss, you need a kiss from both of us.

We love you.

Happy July 4th!

Kids are weird.

"Say Cheese"

This is actually - "show me your muscles" but it's fun

Matchy July 4th outfits.

Helping Mama with work.
Talking to the horsey
These suckers were the best thing EVER.
