17 Months

Oh 17 months. Crazy how long and short the past two years have been.  This past month was the 2 year mark from when found out we were pregnant and it's so fun to visit those journal entries and remember how miserable (sick) and so excited (so incredibly scared) that time in our lives was.  We love this little girl and all the happiness and spunk she has brought in to our lives.     

Piper -

You had your first camping in a tent trip.  You loved to play in the dirt and I think you and Lily really bonded on the trip. You did wonderful the first night and then lost.your.mind. the second night.  You woke up around midnight screaming and inconsolable.  After many attempts to calm you down, grandma taking a turn, mom's phone falling out of her pocket and breaking, mom and you slept (one of us more than the other) in the front seat of the car.  

We say 1, you say 2..3..  

You have 12 confirmed teeth.  I haven't been able to get a good look but I think you have a few more sneaking in.

You are starting to like Lily more!  (What!) You tolerate her more and sometimes even turn when she's following you and say "Come on"  You even try to pick her up (she's the same size as you) and it's so cute.  Maybe you can have siblings after all.

You like blankets all of a sudden.  You want to carry around a blanket (no particular one) as you wander around the house.

You still say no to about 99.9% of things.

After you sneeze, you say - AHH CHOO in the sweetest voice.

You hear a plane/helicopter before I do.  And stop whatever you are doing to watch the sky.

You think all trucks/big vehicles are choo choo's.

You are still sleeping great at night.  And you still refuse cribs and even spend most of your naps on a blanket on the floor.  I think that you'll probably skip cribs all together and go to a bed when it's time.

You just seem big.  You understand us.  You communicate with us.   You do what you want and throw a fit when you can't.  It's a very fun thing to be your parent.

Love this lady.

Sometimes she can't roll over.

Riding in the dump truck.

We're not sure we like bugs yet.

Love this dirty babe.

She mostly just wanted to get in the water.

The morning after.  Waiting for the rest of the camp to wake up so we could apologize.

She pushed it the entire shopping trip.

We didn't buy it.  But we should have.

A pretty good representation of what our night time looks like.

Church, guys.  Church. 
We put on their matching swimsuits and do this 1000 times a week. 


  1. She is your mini!!! I love it! And that little ponytail on top of her head...to die for! Miss you


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