9 Months

Trick for getting a baby to hold still?  Give her a piece of a wrapper.

What the nine months! This month we will hit the milestone of this little monkey being outside of my belly longer than she grew inside my belly.  And it's unfair how quickly these 9 months flew by compared to the 9 months she was cooking!  But guuuuys, this was the best month yet.  I may (or may not) have had a hard time with this growing up thing but this month was soooo fun.  She's like our little wild best friend.  We are so lucky she's ours.


Sleep?  Well, we are back to hit or miss - which is good news!  You do better going to sleep if we are home an hour or so before bedtime (at 7:30) but if not, we fight it until 9...10...11...   We sometimes get 4 hours in your crib and then you're in our bed until 7:00 am with about 2,3 wake ups in between there.   You still hate napping -especially at grandma's.  Yesterday, for the first time, you fell asleep on the floor while playing at grandma's.  You stubborn little nut.

Weight?  17lbs 2oz (31%)   Height? 27.5in (45%)  Head? 44.5 in (69%)  You're growing as you should.  We love you little girl. 

Milestones? You can drink from a straw (you just needed a chocolate milkshake as an incentive)!  You are starting to do the plank position more and more but you're still scooting on your belly to get around.  You pull yourself up to things and then topple over.  You can maneuver yourself from a laying position to a sitting position. You are starting to "flirt" with strangers - especially teenage boys (heaven help us)... you tilt your head and lean in to whoever is holding you and make this special flirty giggle.  It's hilarious.  You know when you're being silly and we are laughing at you and so you are very good at making crazy noises over and over to get us laughing.  I know it's early but I swear sometimes you call your Dad, Dada and me, Mama.   You're starting to be more adventurous and now when we put you down you're off to explore.  We need to vaccuum 500 times a day because EVERY thing you find ends up in your mouth.

Likes? Your very favorite thing (and has been for awhile but I've never written about it) is peek-a-boo.  If anyone moves to a place you can't see them, you instantly squeal and think they are playing.   You like bath time and singing.   You love to be the center of attention.  You love when you know we're laughing at you.  You like when daddy plays with you and mom cringes in the corner.   You love to eat real food, especially finger food that you can pick up yourself.  

Dislikes? Sleeping.  Carseats.  Changing after baths.  New places/people (unless they're cute teenage boys) (heaven help us).  

Anything else?  You are just fun, my dear. Spunky, opinionated, silly, wild - fun.    Did I mention we really really like 9 months?

Nicknames?  We mainly call you Pipper, Pup, Nut.  

And the parent's...

Mama?  Well I survived the crazy busy thing that was October (my last late night conference call ended last night at 8pm! Yay! It's over!) and now I have lots of vacation days and holidays to look forward to!  I was basically an anti-social bum for the past two months so I could focus on work and then every other second give to my family or find some time to relax/sleep.  Once again, I'm so grateful for an understanding husby and wonderful grandma's who make it all okay.    I wouldn't be able to work if I thought it was negatively affecting Piper, but I know that she is being so loved and taken care of that I never have to worry about her.  We're so lucky to have the support we have at this time of our lives.

Daddy?  Our papa has been gone hunting a lot the past few weekends and we now look forward to him being home some!  He's more than halfway through this school year and just registered for his ALMOST last semester.  Eeeep, Eeeek.  So excited.  We both just finished reading the third Divergent book (Allegiant).  But... Don't start the series.  You'll be disappointed.  It's not quite as terrible as the third Hunger Games book but it's terrible nonetheless.    Fine, you can read it.  But set your expectations VERY low for how the story will end.


I love how she uses her little hands now.  Her cute little fingers.

Cheese Cheese Cheese Cheese
