8 Months

She only looks sweet.
Sooooo, we lost our 8 month sticker.  I have stickers for 1-12 still but #8 : MIA.  I planned on photoshopping and hoping you didn't notice but then we took pictures and I realized that taking pictures of an 8 month old is IMPOSSIBLE anyway.  8 months means wiggly and crawly and squealing - no sweet sitting still smile pictures.  Sooo I might try another round or give up until next month.  :)  Ps - at the mall the other day, a lady asked how old Piper was and I said "8 months" and she said "oh, almost a year!" and I promptly walked away.  She's 8 months.  I have FOUR MORE MONTHS LADY.


Sleep?  We give up.  The end. 

Weight?  A little less than 17lbs.   Height? Approximately 26 inches.  You're staying about the same size the past few months.  You're are on the smaller side for weight and I think right on for height.

Milestones?  You are a sturdy little sitter now.  You are Miss Chatty these days going bla-bla-bla, dadada, momomomom all day long.  You are wiggly as ever and scoot everywhere.  You push away things that you don't want and cross your ankles so we can't put you down.  We love your little attitude, my dear.

Likes? You like baths (I know!),  You like Octonauts or at least the singing portion of it - mom and dad like the rest.  You like people (as long as someone you know is closest to you).  You like to wiggggggle everywhere all day long.  You LOVE to eat solids.  You like any toy that isn't a real baby toy or that you're not supposed to have - cords, toothbrushes, wallets, makeup, keys, phones, shoes... if we put you on the ground surrounded by 100 of your toys, you'll find something that isn't yours and play with it instead.  Babies are funny, you're funny.

Dislikes? Sleeping.  Being sick.  New people (especially boys).  Being put down.  Carseats. 

Anything else?  You're officially in 6-12 month clothes.  You were sick sick (hand-foot-mouth disease) for about a week this month and it was HARD on all of us.  We are so happy you are feeling better and are back to your cheery self.  Sick babies are the worst.

Nicknames?  Pipper, Pipster, Pip, Pup - yeah, no super creative ones. 

And the parent's...

Mama?  This past month was kind of harder one.  Really there was just one week that was really hard.  Piper was sick and grumpy 99.9% of the time.  And work has been INSANE.  And so when I wanted so badly to be home with her, I couldn't.  Kind of the opposite, I had early morning meetings and late night meetings.  This month will continue to be crazy crazy crazy at work and I'm so glad that I know Pip is being taken care of and loves where she is.  Thank heaven for Grandmas.  

Daddy?  Daddy is busy with school and work too.  We appreciate our weekends more than ever, where the three of us can just be together unless he has drill or work or hunts (ha ha). So mostly we enjoy our 1 hour together at nights.

I love my little family.  I am so blessed that we get to share in this crazy life together.


She wanted a taste.

This actually a yawn - but it's funny.

Love this little wormy.
