2 Months!

She was iiiiimpossible for pictures tonight.  I'll probably try again tomorrow and this picture will likely be replaced.  :) Enjoy a few out-takes below.

Our baby is 2 months old, people (last Friday - whooops).  She seems so much bigger and older every day. She is our favorite thing and every single thing she does, we think is adorable.  I mean... who knew sneezes could be so cute?  We love her so much and we love being her parents.  How is our little Pipey doing?

Month 2:


Sleep? You're doing good.  I don't want to jinx it... but you're falling into the pattern where you sleep 5-6 hours in a row and then you're up every 2-3 after that.  Right now we basically try to go to sleep by 10 and then I see you again around 4:00.  Then we're up for the day around 7:00.  You're still sleeping in our bed with me (because you REALLY hate to sleep alone and i'm still sleepy enough to say whatever works, works) but we hope to transition you to your crib in the next month.  It'll be a sad few nights for mama and baby, I think.

Weight? At your 8 week appointment, you weighed 11lbs (66 percentile).  We love the little rolls that are starting to form on your legs and arms.  And we really love your kissable chubby cheeks. 

Milestones?  Your little belly button looks so much better.  The doctor does think you'll always have a little bit of an outie.  You smile so much and sometimes we can even get you to giggle (even though it sounds like a little courtesy laugh).  You're the happiest in the morning and we love it.  

Likes? We think you like us.  And you still love to eat.  You are starting to tolerate baths a little bit more.  You like bright lights and it's so fun to watch you study things.  We really enjoy the things that catch your attention - like a white plug on the wall, the pictures behind our couch, and other weird things.    You like car rides and walks and I'm so happy the weather is warmer so we can go on more walks together.  

Dislikes?  Hmm.  You don't really like the medicine we give you for your reflux (mint flavored baby medicine, really people?!).  You hated your shots that you got this week and you've been a sad baby ever since.  We're getting through it together - even if it means we're both in tears.

Nicknames?  Daddy and me are BIG on nicknames.  We both have about a million names we call each other.  I know you'll be no different.  This month we started to call you :  Pipey, Gooey, Miss Piper, Missy, and Pipsy (Pipe-C).  

Anything else?  Your skin has lightened A LOT and your eyes now look very blue.   We think you look more like me now than your dad.  You're starting to really fit in to your 0-3 month clothes and I think you'll be out of them by your next month birthday.  I'm not as sad as I thought I'd be about having to put away your clothes.  You have SO many clothes and I'm excited to pull out the new ones AND we get to send all of these 0-3 month clothes to your (unborn) cousin.

And the parent's...

Mama?  This month,  I kind of got the hang of this whole being a mommy thing.  When they say the first 6 weeks are hard, they mean it.  I didn't realize that it was hard though until now.  This month everything was easier.  Even though I can look back and see that it was hard to never sleep, to deal with the raging new mom hormones, to heal physically, to worry that you're doing everything wrong, to cry about everything, to not know what to do... I still miss those days.  I already miss newborn Piper.  Being a mom is already a strange tug-of-war between wanting her to stay exactly the same and wanting her to grow and enjoying all the new milestones.   Also...  I'm back at work and it's hard.  Somedays it's really hard.  We are so lucky to have my mom be able to watch her all day, grandma is really the best.  It makes it much better to know that she's being watched by someone who loves her as much as we do.  I do my best to stay busy when I'm at work and that makes it a little easier. 

Daddy?  Dad is quite in love with his little girl.  She has him wrapped around her finger and he doesn't mind.  Piper still really seems to like him most and she still smiles the easiest for him.  I don't think that's very fair :) He's the best.

