One month!

One month ago, the very best thing happened… Piper came into our lives. We had 9 months to prepare ourselves for how much we were going to love our little girl and we still weren't ready for how wonderful it all is.   It's been the best month - the sleepiest, snuggliest, happiest, and cutest month too.  It's still amazing that we made this little person.  We think she's perfect.

Month 1:


Sleep? You're sleeping like a newborn - which isn't a lot.  You are starting to get into a better routine and only wake up every 3-4 hours instead of 2-3 like the first few weeks and you now go back to sleep lots faster.  You have decided that sleeping in someone's arms is much better than sleeping in a bed.  It's sometimes funny how quickly you wake up the moment we put you down.  It's hard to be mad at you though because you just want to cuddle and we really love to snuggle you.  We had a few very long nights at the beginning (one bout of food poisoning for mama was by far the worst).  Thank heaven for Grandmas and naps. 

Weight? Your 2 week appointment was great.  You weighed in at 8lbs 5oz (11 ounces in 2 weeks, yay!) You're in the 68 percentile for height and 50 percentile for weight.   I'm guessing you weigh 9 pounds now.  You are starting to fit better in to your 0-3 month clothes but you fit best still in newborn sleepers.  We switched you to size 1 diapers a week ago and they are a little too big but are much better than the newborn diapers.  

Milestones? Your umbilical cord fell off right before you turned 2 weeks.  It's a little herniated but the doctor's said that it normally corrects itself.  We like your little outie.   You're starting to stare at us longer and both daddy and me think you've smiled at us but we haven't proven it yet. 

Likes? Sleeping and eating.  Your noises during both are adorable.  Sometimes at night, I lay there and listen to you and daddy snoring and I think my heart might burst.  You really like your dad.  I hate to admit it but when you're grumpy, your dad calms you down much easier than me.  I was hoping to win for the first little while before you were old enough to think he is more fun than me but somehow he's already winning.

Dislikes?  You are not sure about baths yet but I think you're coming around.  You don't like to be changed and like I said before, you really don't like to be put down when you're sleeping.

Anything else?  You are such a good baby and we adore you.  Everyone thinks you look like your dad with your olive skin and dark hair.  Maybe you'll get my personality.  You are very noisy and very wiggly.  Your grunts are so sweet and that's usually how you let us know you want something.  You don't cry until you're really really upset.  

And the parent's...

Mama?  I'm doing good. Physically, I feel pretty much back to normal (a little chunkier and softer but I think this is the new normal).  I'm getting back to normal emotionally too.  Postpartum hormones are not a joke.  Colton can now say the word "cry" without me crying.  I think I felt overwhelmed more than anything.  Taking care of Piper was easy, I found doing anything else to be hard but we are finding the balance and I know we'll keep getting better.  Next stop is going back to work in a few weeks and I can't talk about that without crying yet.

Daddy?  He's great.  I can't explain how much I love how much he loves her.  I came home from a church meeting the other night to find them both sleeping - her in his arms.  So wonderful.  He is great at handling the spit up and is a much faster diaper changer than me.  He is so helpful and is still working so hard and going to school.  Piper and I appreciate him so much.  

We want time to slow down but we also can't wait to keep watching you grow.  We love you Miss Piper.  
