35 Weeks

bump picture in St. George.  Technically 34 weeks and 6 days in the picture.

How far along?  35 Weeks.
How big is baby? She is a large cantaloupe… 19 to 22 inches, 5.5lbs. 
Names?  Still debating.  But we REALLY need to name her.  My family calls her Sparkle and I’m afraid of that sticking.
Maternity clothes?  24-7.  I no longer want to buy any new maternity clothes because we are PRETTY close.  PS – it’s a pretty sad thing when some of your maternity clothes feel too small.
Weights gain?  30 lbs.  3-0.
Feeling the baby move?  She’s always poking out some way.  Colton thinks it’s scary and tells her to go back inside. 
Food cravings:  I have no self control when it comes to peanut butter M&M’s.  I’m not sorry.
Happy or moody?  Both.  I am happier than I’ve ever been.  I think that being pregnant makes you crazy amounts of happy but it also makes you crazy amounts of crazy.  Sometimes I can feel myself being such a grump but I can’t help.  Thank heaven for Colton’s patience with me. 
Sleeping?  Ha ha.  Sleeping is hard.  I want to sleep all the time again but I still toss and turn at night.
Best moment of the week?  I missed last week… which was Christmas.  And Christmas was amazing.  It deserves its own post but I’m afraid I won’t get to it so I’ll say it here… we are so lucky.  We woke up early and opened our gifts from each other.  Colton got me way too much and I love all of it.  My biggest gift was a new camera.  Colton got an Xbox as his big gift.  Afterwards we went to the Griffin’s and opened gifts there.   I got Toms, scarves, and jewelry... Colton got jeep things.  We love them.  And then we went to my family’s and got lots of things.  Baby girl got some cute luggage from Grandma and Grandpa and some handmade gifts from her uncle Matthew.  Those were probably the highlights.  Our house looked like a disaster zone (and maybe still does….).  On top of Christmas, we went to buybuybaby and bought all of our baby stuff (ie: stroller, car seat, tub…etc).  I don't know how to organize everything. After Christmas we had a few days off and had fun being together then we headed to St. George with Colton’s two sisters Kylie and Karly and enjoyed the semi-warm weather, the swimming, and hanging out with them.  Next thing on our to do list: have a baby.  SCARY.

Griffin's Christmas morning.

Paxman's Christmas morning.

"Baby Sparkle"

Disaster zone.
Anything making you queasy?  I’ve been throw-up sick again a few times and I’m not a fan. 
How is the bump? HUGE.  I take back every other time I said I felt huge and really mean it now.  Strangely, I still feel very much like myself.  Just a larger, more sore version of myself.  

Missing anything?  Comfort.  Sleep.  
Belly button?  You can see the bb through almost any shirt now.  That means baby is done cooking right?  

Looking forward to?  Having her be here.  Now that we are close enough that people say “any day”, the idea of “having her” as in labor is sort of terrifying but I can’t wait for her to be here and be a part of our family.  I can’t wait to move on with our lives as a little family of three. 
 Dad?  He’s ready for the same things.  She feels so close to us.  His guess is January 21st.   I'm too scared to guess.
