28 Weeks.

How far along?  28 Weeks.  
How big is baby? She’s the size of a head of a cauliflower (16 inches and 2.5 pounds!)  She MUST be squished.
Names?  Well…  we are trying out one name right now but want to wait a little bit before we tell everyone… It’s HARD deciding a name.  I don’t know how everyone does it.
Maternity clothes? Nothing new.   I want about everything new.  We have 12 more weeks of less and less clothes.  That makes me a tiny bit sad.
Weights gain?  Went to the doctor’s today and we are at 20 pounds (with my boots on so I was okay).  Our bodies are amazing little things. 
Sleeping? Like a baby.  My hips are starting to hurt from sleeping on my side all the time.  Anyone have any great stretches for that?
Best moment of the week?   As always, the weekends are always wonderful.  I had a half of day off today that I spent getting my glucose and Rhogam shot then spent a little time in the nursery.  It is easily my favorite room in the house. 
Missing anything?  I’m missing being comfortable… already.   The few weeks of bliss that they talk about in the middle to end of the second trimester have left and I’m for sure welcoming the aches and pains of the third.  (Which happens to start today… yay!). 
Feeling the baby move? Like crazy.  I like to sit and watch her move around.  I wonder when Colton will get tired of me saying that he needs to feel how crazy she's wiggling around.  
Food cravings:  Still the same.  More and more cereal and recess’s please.
Anything making you queasy?  Sometimes lunch. 
How is the bump?  She’s a beauty.    
Belly button?  In-ish out-ish weird-ish.
Happy or moody?   I think I had a moody week and for no real reason. Thanks Colton for loving me even when I’m a real grump. 
Looking forward to? I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving.  It will be such a lovely break from work and school and I get to do my favorite thing: be with my family.
Dad?   As always, great.  It's starting to feel more real for him, I think.  
