25 Weeks.

How far along?  25 Weeks.  
How big is baby? She’s an eggplant (9 inches) and weighs almost 2 pounds!
Names?  Since we've established our little one is a girl, I’m going to remove the gender question and add a names question.  Here I’ll update on any progress we've made in naming our little girl.  Colton and I are REALLY great at not liking names and not so great at liking names. Any suggestions?  Naming a baby is hard work!
Maternity clothes? Nothing new.  Each week the belly fits in to less and less.  For instance, the shirt above used to be one of my flowiest shirts.  (Flowiest isn't a word by the way).
Weights gain?  Weighed myself on my mom’s scale yesterday and we are still at 14 pounds.  That means I’m setting myself up for a reallllly great Halloween.
Sleeping?  I didn't sleep great last week but that was the husband’s fault not the baby’s. :)
Best moment of the week?   Colton was gone for a few days and I missed him like the crazy pregnant lady that I am.  The best moment was him coming home.  The two of us missed him and will be happy when October and hunting season is o.v.e.r.      
Missing anything? Shopping.  I curse at every cute clothing magazine that shows up at my door.  (Almost as much as I curse at the clothes in my closet that won’t fit even after I beg them to). 
Feeling the baby move?  Yep.  I felt her higher up this week than I ever have.  She keeps me company and I already think it will be weird when she's not a part of me anymore.
Food cravings:  Cereal, cereal, and more cereal.
Anything making you queasy?  I’m feeling great.  I still throw up once or twice a week but I am not complaining.  I actually feel like I could be pregnant forever if this was how it always was.  Dang it, they were right.  The end of the second trimester is treating me pretty good.    
How is the bump?  It’s a bump, alright.  Strangely, I am feeling more and more comfortable the bigger I get.  Probably because there’s no mistaking that I’m a pregnant lady.  I tell Colton I feel huge but I don’t mean it in a bad way.  I am sure that there will be a day when I say I’m huge and I mean it in a bad way.  Right now, I'm happy to keep growing because that means baby is growing too.

Belly button?  The poor thing.  It’s still awkwardly in-ish, out-ish.  It’s not pretty.
Happy or moody?  Happy.
Looking forward to?   Getting closer.  15 weeks feels like a long time and not a long time all at the same time.
Dad?  He’s doing great.  His last hunt is this week and I’m crossing my fingers that he’s successful.  Love that guy.
