19 Weeks

How far along?  19 Weeks 1 day. 
How big is baby?  By the end of the week, we'll have a mango.  6.5 inches long and 10 ounces (That’s almost a pound, folks!)
Gender?  Girllll.
Maternity clothes?  My dearest Juliana gave me a few jeans and a skirt (that I'm wearing in the picture).  Thank heaven!  I no longer fit in to anything with a zipper. 
Weights gain?  We go to the doctor on Monday and get to find out for sure but I think I haven't gained much these past 4 weeks.  Maybe a pound or two.  My guess is total of 6 pounds so far. 
Sleeping?  Sleepy.  All the time.  
Best moment of the week?  Well because I missed last week, I'll choose two: We went boating with our family for Labor Day and it was so fun.  AND I love getting new clothes for the little one. She is spoiled already.  
Missing anything?  Not missing much.  Just looking forward to so much.  
Feeling the baby move?  Yep!  I can feel her move pretty much every day now.  I especially feel her when I’ve been sitting somewhere for a while or laying down at night.  Just little tiny flutters that make me feel a little bit sea sick.  It’s still kind of weird to think that I’m actually feeling my baby move.
Food cravings:  No, I’m boring with no real cravings.  I like basically the same food as I liked before.  
Anything making you queasy? Mornings.
How is the bump?  The bump is doing dandy.  There’s no mistaking that this belly is a pregnant one and I love it.  It's quite itchy lately and I'm trying to be a good girl and not itch it.    
Belly button?  Innie.
Happy or moody?  I’m happy happy.   I'm definitely more emotional but not usually in a bad way.  
Looking forward to?  We ALMOST have an empty guest bedroom which means we can ALMOST start putting some of the nursery together.  We've bought a few things for the room and I can't wait to start.   I'm worried we'll get done with it too early and then be too anxious for the baby to get here but oh well.  The holidays are towards the end of my pregnancy so we'll use them to keep us entertained.
Dad? Colton is wonderful.  We got our first "my dad rocks" baby item this week (a binky from grandma Nette) and he couldn't be more proud.  
