17 weeks.

I'm sorry for another phone picture.  We tried and failed miserably the past couple of days to get a  better picture.  Forgive me.  AND I'm sorry for the hair.  I had a work conference call this morning far too early and didn't notice that I'd completely missed a spot while straightening.

How far along?  17 Weeks 3 Days.  
How big is baby?  By the end of the week, we'll have a sweet little sweet potato.  5.5 inches from head to bum.
Gender prediction?  BABY GIRL!
Maternity clothes?  Nothing new.  Everything is slowly feeling tighter and tighter.  

Sleeping?  Been sleeping better than the beginning of the pregnantness.   I wake up a few times because this pregnant lady (like many others) has crazzzzzy dreams.  
Best moment of the week? Seeing our little girl.  So perfect. 
Missing anything?  Not missing much.  Just looking forward to so much.  
Feeling the baby move?  There have been a few times when I'm laying in bed or I've been sitting still at work where I wonder what I'm feeling.  I haven't felt anything that i'm 100% sure is actually baby girl.
Food cravings:  I don't know if anything is a craving.  I really like fruit and then mostly I still like the regular food I liked before: cereal, hamburgers, and bread.  Healthy right?

Anything making you queasy? Morning and lunch mostly.  :)
How is the bump?  The bump is growing growing growing.  I think I'm getting bigger by the hour.  The bump picture above was taken first thing in the morning and I promise it grows by the end of the day.
Belly button?  In.  Still oddly colored.
Happy or moody?  Happy!  This was the best week yet.
Looking forward to? Hmmm.  Shopping for clothes, nursery things, and more maternity stuff.  Knowing we're having a girl means we can really start to buy things!  Colton is scared by this.
Dad? Colton is doing great.  He was a little bummed that he was wrong about the boy... not because he necessarily cared either way but because he guessed wrong. :) I think he'll be the best dad to our baby girl. 
