Our baby brother Wyatt is here and we are so so in love!
He was born at 4:20pm on January 12, 2018. He weight 9lbs 15oz and was 20 inches long.
Wyatt's pregnancy was a little rough. I was the same amount of sick at the beginning but the end was so much more uncomfortable. I don't know if each pregnancy gets harder each time or it's because he was such a big boy. I had carpel tunnel (from swelling), PEP rash (allergic to stretch marks - awesome!), hearrrrt burn, and I just didn't ever really feel good. Colton had to pick up so much of the usual house stuff and kid stuff and I'm so grateful for him. I'm also grateful to not be pregnant anymore.
We were induced at 39 weeks again. I thought he was going to come early. I was having lots of contractions around Christmas and I was sure has going to show up in December but he decided to hang out. They called us the day before and told us to be there at 6:30am. We tried to figure out the best plan for the kids and decided to take them to my parents and we'd all sleep there. We tried to get as much sleep as we could. Ezra joined me on my air mattress at 2am and I snuggled him until our alarms went off at 5:30. We tried to be quiet because the whole point of us staying there was to not wake up the kids early but both of them were awake when we left to the hospital. Sorry Grandma.
It's such a surreal feeling heading to the hospital knowing you're going to have a baby and kissing your other babies goodbye.
We got to the hospital at 6:30 and were put in room 1 (the same room we had Ezra). I got in to the hospital gown and on to the bed and I got my IV and met my nurses. Our nurses were awesome. They checked me at 7:20 and I was dilated to a 3. They started pitocin at 7:45 (4) and then upped it at 8:15 (8). I got my epidural early at 8:45. I was feeling contractions but not uncomfortable yet but they were really busy and I didn't want to wait another hour just in case things picked up. Colton was able to watch this time because I wasn't in too much pain yet. He asked to watch with Ezra and I told him I needed to squeeze his hands so he was happy to chat with the anesthesiologist this time.
After my epidural, I was really excited and happy. I knew there wouldn't be any more pain so my nerves about all of that went away. At 9:00, they upped by pitocin (12). At 9:25, the doctor came by to break my water. Last time they broke my water before the epidural and it HURT. It was definitely better to do it after. At 10:15, they upped my pitocin (16). At 11:15, I was dilated to a 5, 90% effaced. Colton and me finally decided we were going to name him Wyatt. We had a few names that never felt right. With Piper and Ezra, we knew before we went to the hospital but this time was hard! We wrote all of our first and middle names on the board and finally said it's Wyatt. Wyatt was actually at the top of our list for a long time with Ezra. We didn't decide on his middle name (Colton) until after he was born. After all the name deciding, we took a little nap. At 12:15 (12) and then 12:35 (8), they turned down my pitocin because my contractions were coming too frequently. At 1:15, I was dilated to a 7, 100% effaced. At 2:05, I was dilated to an 8. At 3:05, I was still at an 8. I was starting to get a little discouraged. Normally those last centimeters go so quickly and I was slowing down. They decided to have me use a "peanut ball" to try and get the baby in a better position. I had to lay on my side with the big ball between my legs for 30 minutes on each side. After the first side, I didn't feel ready. When I flipped to my other side, I started to shake and shiver. Because I'd had my epidural for so long, I was really numb - especially my left leg - so I didn't feel the normal pressure when it was time to start pushing.
When the nurse checked me at 4:05, I was fully dilated! The nurses started to prep the room for delivery and paged Dr. Aagard. I started pushing at 4:15. After the first push, they said "He has a lot of dark hair!" and then they told me to keep pushing. I didn't know but his shoulders were stuck. It's called shoulder dystocia. I could tell something was wrong by Colton's face and by their voices. They were telling me "don't take a breath", "keep pushing", "don't stop", "take a little breath and push push push" - when normally you get to take a break and recover a little bit. He was delivered about 30 seconds after he got stuck. His face was really purple but he started breathing and crying really quickly. The doctors and nurses kept saying what a big boy he is. I was assuming another big boy like Ezra. That's also when I learned what had happened when the doctor was having the nurse chart about his shoulders being stuck and for how long.
They let me hold him and then took him away to weigh him. I was really surprised when they said 9 lbs 15 oz! He actually pooped right when he came out too or we would've had a 10 pound baby. Then he got to come back to me and we just snuggled while they do all the things they do and we were in baby dream land. After an hour or so, we bundled him up and Colton held him while I ate a little bit of food and a chocolate milkshake. I wasn't able to move my legs yet so they wheeled a bed up for me and I wiggled my way on to the other bed and we were moved downstairs.
While I was in labor, we found out my poor mom was sick. She had my kids and ended up taking them to my aunt to watch them. We decided Colton would go home with the kids and my sister, Julie, said she would come stay with me. Julie brought our kids by to meet their brother right when we came down to our room. It's already a blur. Ezra was a little nervous and Piper was her usual self. They didn't nap and were up so early - they were ready for bed. They only stayed for a little bit and then Colton headed home with them.
It was so nice to have my sister stay. I was anxious because of Wyatt's rough delivery. Julie's a nurse so she helped me by asking questions about his shoulders and his purple face. I felt relieved after the nurses had checked him and said he looked good - just bruised. They had to check his sugars because he's was such a big baby so before every feeding, they poked his heel. It put a lot of pressure on nursing which was new and different in not a good way. The doctor checked Wyatt early the next morning and said he looked great but would likely have jaundice because his liver would be working hard to heal his face and so it would have a hard time processing the bilirubin too.
Colton came for a few hours the next morning and my aunt watched the kids. I had a few visitors come by and it was a nice, relaxing, and quiet day. Julie came by and Colton brought the kids and we took a few pictures and the kids hung out for awhile. It was kind of craziness with them in the confined hospital room but happy too. They left and I settled in for the night. I was alone that night but it was an easier night. I slept a little and snuggled Wyatt a lot. The next morning, Colton came back (and my brother's family watched kids) and we loaded up and headed home.
We had so much help and we are so grateful!
I'm so so glad that nothing serious was wrong with Wyatt. We spent the next few days going to the hospital for blood draws and using the blue lights to help him out. It was sad to not hold him all the time but he got better so quickly.
He's now a week old and we are doing great. They were different and harder first days than we had planned and wanted but now we are just in constant snuggle mode until Colton goes back to work and our lifeends begins. I had forgotten how sweet new babies are. We are so in love with Mr. Wyatt. He is just so sweet. He is sleeping like a newborn and eating like a newborn and we are so tired and still pretty sore but goodness, it's all so worth it because we have him.
The kids have been good. Piper has been a little sassier than normal and Ezra is figuring out that things are a little different but they love their little brother. Ezra thinks it's hilarious that baby "eats boob" and they both like to ask one million questions about him. Does he walk? Does he talk? Does he have teeth? We've had lots of lessons about how babies grow up and we've told them the first thing he learns is how to smile. They can't wait. Older kids are hard when new babies arrive and I'm anxious to figure out our new routines and new normal. I'm so grateful for this little family of mine. I am so glad Wyatt is here and healthy and perfect.
He was born at 4:20pm on January 12, 2018. He weight 9lbs 15oz and was 20 inches long.
Wyatt's pregnancy was a little rough. I was the same amount of sick at the beginning but the end was so much more uncomfortable. I don't know if each pregnancy gets harder each time or it's because he was such a big boy. I had carpel tunnel (from swelling), PEP rash (allergic to stretch marks - awesome!), hearrrrt burn, and I just didn't ever really feel good. Colton had to pick up so much of the usual house stuff and kid stuff and I'm so grateful for him. I'm also grateful to not be pregnant anymore.
We were induced at 39 weeks again. I thought he was going to come early. I was having lots of contractions around Christmas and I was sure has going to show up in December but he decided to hang out. They called us the day before and told us to be there at 6:30am. We tried to figure out the best plan for the kids and decided to take them to my parents and we'd all sleep there. We tried to get as much sleep as we could. Ezra joined me on my air mattress at 2am and I snuggled him until our alarms went off at 5:30. We tried to be quiet because the whole point of us staying there was to not wake up the kids early but both of them were awake when we left to the hospital. Sorry Grandma.
It's such a surreal feeling heading to the hospital knowing you're going to have a baby and kissing your other babies goodbye.
We got to the hospital at 6:30 and were put in room 1 (the same room we had Ezra). I got in to the hospital gown and on to the bed and I got my IV and met my nurses. Our nurses were awesome. They checked me at 7:20 and I was dilated to a 3. They started pitocin at 7:45 (4) and then upped it at 8:15 (8). I got my epidural early at 8:45. I was feeling contractions but not uncomfortable yet but they were really busy and I didn't want to wait another hour just in case things picked up. Colton was able to watch this time because I wasn't in too much pain yet. He asked to watch with Ezra and I told him I needed to squeeze his hands so he was happy to chat with the anesthesiologist this time.
After my epidural, I was really excited and happy. I knew there wouldn't be any more pain so my nerves about all of that went away. At 9:00, they upped by pitocin (12). At 9:25, the doctor came by to break my water. Last time they broke my water before the epidural and it HURT. It was definitely better to do it after. At 10:15, they upped my pitocin (16). At 11:15, I was dilated to a 5, 90% effaced. Colton and me finally decided we were going to name him Wyatt. We had a few names that never felt right. With Piper and Ezra, we knew before we went to the hospital but this time was hard! We wrote all of our first and middle names on the board and finally said it's Wyatt. Wyatt was actually at the top of our list for a long time with Ezra. We didn't decide on his middle name (Colton) until after he was born. After all the name deciding, we took a little nap. At 12:15 (12) and then 12:35 (8), they turned down my pitocin because my contractions were coming too frequently. At 1:15, I was dilated to a 7, 100% effaced. At 2:05, I was dilated to an 8. At 3:05, I was still at an 8. I was starting to get a little discouraged. Normally those last centimeters go so quickly and I was slowing down. They decided to have me use a "peanut ball" to try and get the baby in a better position. I had to lay on my side with the big ball between my legs for 30 minutes on each side. After the first side, I didn't feel ready. When I flipped to my other side, I started to shake and shiver. Because I'd had my epidural for so long, I was really numb - especially my left leg - so I didn't feel the normal pressure when it was time to start pushing.
When the nurse checked me at 4:05, I was fully dilated! The nurses started to prep the room for delivery and paged Dr. Aagard. I started pushing at 4:15. After the first push, they said "He has a lot of dark hair!" and then they told me to keep pushing. I didn't know but his shoulders were stuck. It's called shoulder dystocia. I could tell something was wrong by Colton's face and by their voices. They were telling me "don't take a breath", "keep pushing", "don't stop", "take a little breath and push push push" - when normally you get to take a break and recover a little bit. He was delivered about 30 seconds after he got stuck. His face was really purple but he started breathing and crying really quickly. The doctors and nurses kept saying what a big boy he is. I was assuming another big boy like Ezra. That's also when I learned what had happened when the doctor was having the nurse chart about his shoulders being stuck and for how long.
They let me hold him and then took him away to weigh him. I was really surprised when they said 9 lbs 15 oz! He actually pooped right when he came out too or we would've had a 10 pound baby. Then he got to come back to me and we just snuggled while they do all the things they do and we were in baby dream land. After an hour or so, we bundled him up and Colton held him while I ate a little bit of food and a chocolate milkshake. I wasn't able to move my legs yet so they wheeled a bed up for me and I wiggled my way on to the other bed and we were moved downstairs.
While I was in labor, we found out my poor mom was sick. She had my kids and ended up taking them to my aunt to watch them. We decided Colton would go home with the kids and my sister, Julie, said she would come stay with me. Julie brought our kids by to meet their brother right when we came down to our room. It's already a blur. Ezra was a little nervous and Piper was her usual self. They didn't nap and were up so early - they were ready for bed. They only stayed for a little bit and then Colton headed home with them.
It was so nice to have my sister stay. I was anxious because of Wyatt's rough delivery. Julie's a nurse so she helped me by asking questions about his shoulders and his purple face. I felt relieved after the nurses had checked him and said he looked good - just bruised. They had to check his sugars because he's was such a big baby so before every feeding, they poked his heel. It put a lot of pressure on nursing which was new and different in not a good way. The doctor checked Wyatt early the next morning and said he looked great but would likely have jaundice because his liver would be working hard to heal his face and so it would have a hard time processing the bilirubin too.
Colton came for a few hours the next morning and my aunt watched the kids. I had a few visitors come by and it was a nice, relaxing, and quiet day. Julie came by and Colton brought the kids and we took a few pictures and the kids hung out for awhile. It was kind of craziness with them in the confined hospital room but happy too. They left and I settled in for the night. I was alone that night but it was an easier night. I slept a little and snuggled Wyatt a lot. The next morning, Colton came back (and my brother's family watched kids) and we loaded up and headed home.
We had so much help and we are so grateful!
I'm so so glad that nothing serious was wrong with Wyatt. We spent the next few days going to the hospital for blood draws and using the blue lights to help him out. It was sad to not hold him all the time but he got better so quickly.
He's now a week old and we are doing great. They were different and harder first days than we had planned and wanted but now we are just in constant snuggle mode until Colton goes back to work and our life
The kids have been good. Piper has been a little sassier than normal and Ezra is figuring out that things are a little different but they love their little brother. Ezra thinks it's hilarious that baby "eats boob" and they both like to ask one million questions about him. Does he walk? Does he talk? Does he have teeth? We've had lots of lessons about how babies grow up and we've told them the first thing he learns is how to smile. They can't wait. Older kids are hard when new babies arrive and I'm anxious to figure out our new routines and new normal. I'm so grateful for this little family of mine. I am so glad Wyatt is here and healthy and perfect.
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