I’m currently 14 weeks and we find out next week what we’re
This pregnancy has been different because our life is so
different now than it was with the other two.
This time around, I’m only working one day a week so I’ve had to figure
out the being sick thing and taking care of two kids thing. Somedays were better than others. During all the sickness though, Ezra and
Piper bonded. We were stuck home more
often and I think they’re finally friends!
Maybe 20% of the time but I’ll take it.
Speaking of the kids, Piper is so excited for baby. For a while she was sure that only a baby
sister was a good idea but we’ve finally convinced her that either would be
okay. She likes to look at my pregnancy
app and we talk about how big baby is and where in mommy’s belly the baby is. She is so excited to see the baby with the fancy
camera next week. It’s so fun sharing it
with her. Ezzy doesn’t know what’s
going on (just like Piper didn’t last time) but he does point to mom’s belly
when you talk about the baby and if you ask him if he wants a baby brother or
baby sister he says, “Baby sister”. I
think it’s because he knows the word sister more than brother but it’s really
Mr. Colton has been great at picking up the slack when I
couldn’t function. I love that he’s the
dad to my babies. I love him.
I’m finally starting to feel better. I’m still so sleepy all the time but that’s
okay. I’m really excited to find out
whether it’s a boy or a girl. It’s my
favorite pregnancy moment. I’ve been
thinking that it’s a girl. I love when
you find out though because it is what it is.
Does that make sense? I want a
girl in the grand scheme of family planning but if it’s a boy, then it’s a
boy. And that’s wonderful. We are just so excited to know and start picturing adding a brother or a sister.
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