Stats? I failed at scheduling an appointment early enough so it's not until the end of June but I'll update it then it!
Milestones? You point at everything. You say baba and mama (working on dada) . You smack your lips when we say "kiss". You put your hand up to your ear when we pretend to talk on the phone. You wave hi and bye. You sometimes sign "more" but not consistently. I think you will start signing more soon. You imitate our hand movements (like the gimme more with our hands) or head movements (like nodding yes) but not really our sounds. When we ask "where is Piper?", you look around for her (also works with dad, the birds in your room, and the cat). You still walk along everything but no real standing by yourself yet. I think we have a few more months until we have a walker.
Likes? You still love to eat. You loved your bday cake until you snorted some up your nose. :) You will pretty much eat everything except lunch meat. You like your sister. You love your mama and your daddy. You LOVE books and flipping through the pages. You love your little walker toy. You love to crawl up the stairs and know that you're not supposed to. You love to nurse and I'm sad that's coming to an end.
Dislikes? Hmm. You are pretty easy going! You don't like when it's time to go to sleep and you're not asleep. You don't like sleeping some nights and I can never figure out why.
And the family...
Piper? Miss Pippy is doing good. She's a handful and she's a lot of fun. We are struggling with potty training right now. I'll spare you details. She pays a lot more attention to Ez and is mostly nice to him! They are starting to interact more and more now that Ezra is getting older. I love her.
Mama? I'm good! Things have been good. It's bittersweet with Shmez turning one. I love him. I am excited for him to get older. But I love love love this stage right now. He is so sweet. My grandpa passed away a few weeks ago and it was sad to lose such a good man. I'm happy his body is no longer causing him to suffer. I'm grateful to know families are forever and we will see him again. I'm looking forward to summer even though it's a bit crazy with everything!
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