Sleep? Don don don don don don don... she sleeps! In her own bed! Most nights! It only took her three years! :) We still have the mattress on the floor but think we are going to get her a new twin bed soon! She still takes good naps during the day - especially if we go for a drive at the right time :) I'm with brother at nights and daddy is on Piper duty. I'm so proud of her.
Weight? My guess - 28 pounds? Height? 38 inches?
I'll update this after our March appointment. We are going at the same time as Ezra's 9 month appointment.
Milestones? Let's see! She is in the process of being potty trained. She is great at peeing the potty and not so great at pooping but we're figuring it out! She is too fun. She reasons with us and thinks of ways to get around what we are saying. She wants to every thing herself and we're learning to let her when we can. She recognizes some letters and pretends to read us stories that she's memorized. She's starting to really remember things and bring up things that happened months ago.
Likes? She loves animals. Rue and her have a love/hate relationship. She loves all things princess and is in a princess dress up 99% of the day. She refers to herself as Princess Piper (and when she comes down the stairs, she wants to be announced don don don don don Princess Piper is coming. And then she bows and says "your majesty"). She likes puzzles and matching games. She loves to paint and asks to do that every day. She loves to dance and sing. She loves to play with her baby dolls. She loves loves her friends. She loves her Dora (Kindle). Her favorite shoe is Donald Duck (the old one). She loves to snuggle and rub arms. She loves Ezra's bottles and asks us for a warm ezra bottle. She loves baths and can be in there for an hour. She loves to play in the sink and get water evvvverywhere. She likes to eat spaghetti, chicken nuggets, macaroni, treats and blue juice (we do attempt to feed her good stuff too - this is just what she likes) haha. She likes to go to movies with daddy. She loves the color pink.
Dislikes? Hmm. She doesn't like when we tell her no. She doesn't like to go to bed sometimes. She doesn't like having to leave friends' houses. She doesn't like to do anything she doesn't want to do. She usually can't be forced to do anything anymore and we are learning to give her choices and try and have her make her own decisions. When we get upset at each other, she is really good at saying sorry and breaking your heart for being mad at her.
Anything else? She can be really sweet but she is also really feisty. We love her and she drives us absolutely crazy sometimes. haha, I think it's supposed to be like that. She pays attention to us when we're talking and usually tells mom to be nice to dad.
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