Tuesday (on her actual 15 month mark), we had multiple people come up and tell us how cute (ie: active) our little girl was and say, "She's a year and a half?" or "18 months?" and I said she's 15 months. Colton said it's because she's so advanced (we are those parents who think our child is advanced) but I think it's because there's not much difference between 15 months and a year and a half. How has this happened?
Without further complaining of time going too fast...
You started walking everywhere. Right at your 14 month mark you really figured out the walking thing. I love your little toddle. You've had a few good bonks thanks to this new skill.
You have really started to say no and yes when you don't or do want something. I purposely put no first because usually you don't want whatever we are offering. I love your little no... for now :).
You say lots of words and animal sounds. It's so fun to hear you repeat things or pick up on what something is called. I think you say around 50 words. I have a journal where I write down what words you're saying.
You love to smell the flowers. Whether they are on TV, or a picture, or outside... you point and make a sniffing noise.
Along with that, you LOVE to be outside. Some days you'll sit by the door and say "side" or "brrr" (because we say it's too brrr cold to go outside).
You love the moon. We blow kisses and say ni-night moon almost every night.
You've gotten real good at blowing kisses. You're less free with your "hi's" now but you think blowing kisses means we're leaving so you are happy to hand those out.
You were sick again for about a week with hand-foot-mouth disease. You had really bad blisters on your feet that made you walk on your tip-toes. You had one TERRIBLE night where you (and mom) slept only a few hours. We are happy you're feeling better!
You weighed 20lbs 5 oz (36%), height: 30 3/4 inches (57%), head: 59% at your 15 month wellness visit. Right where you've always been.
You prefer to feed yourself and you prefer to have utensils. It's been hard to find foods that are good for you that a) you will eat and b) you can feed yourself. We're still figuring this one out.
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