7 months old. Hold on tight to your newborns, people, they grow up too fast. This month flew by, per usual, and I can't believe it's time to sit down and write about another month again.
Sleep? Ha ha ha. What is this word: sleep? We are hit and miss. Mostly miss. We have better success when we get you to sleep before 8 (usually 7:30) then we get one long-ish stretch 4-6 hours then we see you every 2 hours and now you have this fun new habit of being wide awake at 6:50 give or take one minute. Yawn. Mama's tired.
Night two of our hospital stay we sent Piper to the nursery so I could try and get some shut eye and we let the nurses know to bring her back in when she wanted to eat again or if she got upset. Before Colton and I got settled to go to sleep we hear Miss Piper
Weight? Approximately 17 lbs. Height? Approximately 26 inches. Growing Growing Growing.
Milestones? You have TWO teethies that popped through this month! The first came in with no troubles at all - we didn't even notice until we heard it clink on a spoon while we were feeding you. The second one made you a little grumpy (or it could be the no-poop-Piper-syndrome that you've developed) but it popped through on Wednesday! You are one social little gal and we love your little sassy personality. You're starting to make mamamama sounds but baby books say they don't mean anything, we think they mean pick me up pleeease. You scoot/roll/twist to get to where you want but no crawling yet.
Likes? You like your mama and daddy. You like other kids, especially your cousins (Speaking of cousins - your best little friend was born this month. You can't wait for Lily to get big enough and we finally let you play with her), you LOVE to eat and get angry if you get too much of a bite of something and we have to fish it out of your mouth, you still like nursing but it seems like it's more for comfort than milk these days.
Dislikes? Carseats, bedtime, sleep, waking up alone, peas, and new teeth.
Anything else? You still fit best in 3-6 month clothes but this month we hope to switch to new clothes (yay)! You're big. Every month you just seem to get bigger. You pay attention to us and move around things to see who's making noise and what's going on. We love to watch you learn. We love you.
Nicknames? Gooey, Goon, Nut, Pipsey, Piperton, Pippy (this one comes out of my mouth sometimes but I don't like it), Pip, Pup, you get the idea.
Nicknames? Gooey, Goon, Nut, Pipsey, Piperton, Pippy (this one comes out of my mouth sometimes but I don't like it), Pip, Pup, you get the idea.
And the parent's...
Mama? I'm doing good. I love my little Pip and my Cokie, I am so happy they are mine. Still figuring out the work thing but things have been better lately there. I just feel really blessed to be where I'm at and get to be this little girl's mama and my Mr's Mrs.
Daddy? Dadsy is good. He started school so now he goes from busy to busy busy. He is our very favorite. We think we are quite lucky that he's ours. He loves that little girl so much and we are constantly in awe at how much we really really like her.
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